# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
Flying Broom Enchantments MMH 2005-11-13 futility This is a magical flying broom - The Nimbus 500 - which allows you to travel across Morrowind quickly and easily.  It does not work in Tribunal (no levitation magic works in Tribunal).  This broom is located in the Balmora Mages guild.  It can be found in the lowest l...
Enchanted Broomsticks Enchantments MMH 2010-11-05 Chascoda Use these flying brooms to.. well... fly.  
You can buy them from a Dark Elven witch in Seyda Neen.  I gave her all blue clothes of high quality so she's easier to find, but she tends to wander, so it may be hard to find her.  
Her idea is _witchbroomstick, if you need to...
The Broomstick Shop Stores and Merchants MMH 2010-11-07 Chascoda Adds a shop to Balmora where you can buy enchanted broomsticks.   
I made this mod so you don't have to find the witch in Seyda Neen in my previous mod, Enchanted Broomsticks.  
Both of these mods I made were based off of Futility's mod, Flying Broomsticks.  I highl...